2021: Reimagined 2.0!!!
Another odd-ball year! Any optimistic thought of getting back to a “normal” PMC was quickly diminished early in the year as covid continued to surge. The PMC did announce the route from Sturbridge to Provincetown would be open however there would be no opening ceremonies, no large group start time, no lodging at the Mass Maritime Academy, and the water stops would be greatly minimized. We were still committed to keeping our team going but each individual teammate would need to decide how best to participate in the PMC weekend for themselves. We all went separate ways — some took the traditional route out to the Cape, some headed to Wellsely, and some “reimagined” their own PMC routes from home — but we all kept in touch via text as best we could!
Our fundraising continued to impress, with our team raising an outstanding $104,939! We brought back the raffle and business letters that we had dropped in 2020. Even through all the madness of the world, it felt like we were making progress with our team’s purpose.